Can SWL stations participate in Beaches On The Air?

Why videos are essential for these users
Last modified: 
3 February, 2024 - 10:49

Registered SWL stations can not only participate in Beaches on the Air, but their contribution could also become invaluable. Our programme has three main interconnected categories including activators, sponsors and chasers. It is in this latter category that the role of SWL stations could be most helpful.

When our activators make QSOs with other stations, they pass a confidential activation code that must be copied and redeemed by chasers. Additionally, activators have the ability of reviewing chaser reports on the basis of their log, which offers a second layer of security. Finally, chaser reports may include videos that provide a third layer of security.

Since 2023, we have experimentally allowed SWL stations to participate as chasers by redeeming the activation codes they copy during the QSOs they listen to. Besides introducing this code, SWL stations are strongly encouraged to record their listening on video, upload that video to YouTube, and include a link in their chaser reports. This is important not only as a means of providing feedback to our activators an chasers and increasing the visibility of our programme among visitors, but also adds increased security to our system.

The publication of videos, which is already encouraged for chasers in general, becomes even more important for SWL participants, as those videos represent an excellent way of documenting their activity for further review by themselves and others. The use of activation codes already provides a first layer of security for chaser reports, but absent the possibility of review by activators through their logs, for SWL stations videos become a must in case of a dispute.

In conclusion, SWL stations can not only be part of Beaches On The Air, but could also provide a very valuable contribution to our system as a whole. So far, the participation of SWL stations is nly anecdotal, but only time will tell how this will play out.

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